Boat Transport Prep Guide
Radar & Electronics Removal
In many cases radar and roof electronics will need to be removed. If your height from top to bottom is 11’6″ or less it may not be mandatory. However it is always recommended to do so for transport. Being that these additions are rather expensive, it is better to take into account that Murphy’s Law can happen anywhere at anytime. That being said we always recommend to remove all roof electronics regardless of height.

Is your trailer in roadworthy condition?
Always make sure to check if your trailer is in road worthy condition. Tires can acquire cracks within the tread that can be hard to spot so, make sure to look closely. Checking your hubs to make sure properly greased and ready for travel is a must to prevent the wheels locking up. Lastly make sure all electronics are working properly. The brake system as well as lighting need to be in top running order.

Shrinkwrap & Weatherproofing
Shrinkwrapping for transport in most cases is a preference rather than a requirement. With that being said, wrapping a boat will protect it from any road debris or exhaust from a diesel truck. As for larger boats with cabins there can be an abundance of air pressure and road vibrations when transporting. Windshields can come loose and fall out during transit so, it is recommended to wrap larger cabin boats to prevent it.

Loading and Unloading Capabilities.
Making sure that your marine vessel is ready for loading when the driver arrives is crucial for proper delivery times. Depending on the size of your boat may determine which loading method may be best for you. Whether it be a travel lift on site at your marina or just a local boat ramp, Countrywide Boat Haulers is prepared to properly load your boat for transport.

Arch and Flybridge Removal due to height restrictions.
Depending on the height of your boat it may be recommended to remove the arch or flybridge because of road travel restrictions. Depending on the boat size and weight will determine the trailer type that will be used. There are two heights to be noted. For a lowboy style trailer that would haul larger boats your vessel would need to be brought down to the height of 12’6″ for the lowest pricing options. For smaller boats that will ride on a typical boat trailer your height would need to be 11’6″ or shorter. The reasons for these height requirements are more about saving you money. Anything above these heights would require a pilot car escort which can add “dollars” per mile. While not required by law, to be able to offer you the best price we ask that these arches be removed. Your marina or boat yard should be able to assist in lowering your vessels height.

Make sure your hull is clean
If your boat has been stationary for a long period of time in the water, it have collected a good amount of fouling(barnacles and growth) on the hull. The Department of Transportation will not allow any boat on the roads that has not been stripped free of any hull debris. Make sure to clean the bottom of your boat before transport. There could be some serious implications from DOT if not done so.

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